Inbound Supplier Notifications. Clear and fast.

The supplier will send notifications about the availability of the goods. You order the shipping and leave the rest to the carriers.

Up-to-date overview of product availability including details. Locations, cargo, contacts, documentation. Changes visible immediately. Prompt creation of shipments.

Effective inbound

Transportation on the basis of a supplier's request in a few clicks. You have the locations, times, loads filled in. Transportation is easy to set up. You just send the data on.

Connected to transport management

Perfect overview and easy management thanks to natural integration with TMS. Data is held in memory by the system, not you. Notifications are sent automatically. You have complete data on the entire process in one place.

All on the same information wave

People from purchasing, production and logistics have an overview without having to look for information. And the supplier knows the status of the shipment as well.

Documents together

Complete transport documentation in one place. From delivery notes to internal documents.


error rate in the transmission of information

up to 83%

saving time in transport management


supplier satisfaction

Avisas at a glance

All supplier announcements in one place. A complete overview for efficient work.

You want to know about the goods you have ready now. But phone calls and emails disturb you. Ringil is more efficient. In the system. you'll find an overview of the announcements with perfect detail - when, where and what's ready. Including reference numbers and contact persons. You can see all the alerts clearly, easily find current and past ones.

All information in place

Entering an alert is easy. The system ensures that nothing essential is missing. For blank fields or invalid entries will be alerted.

By engaging a contractor, you save time. Plus, it's free.

Direct the supplier to Ringil and they will enter the notifications directly. You're off the hook.

Their connection is a matter of moments.
They will receive a starter kit - information emails and training videos.

Any announcements? You can easily create a transport.

Flipping an avigation into a transport is easy. Just 5 clicks.

You will check the information in the notification is correct and select the carrier. Ringil sends out the enquiries itself. You select the best offer, and you can track the shipment as if it were in the palm of your hand.

Bulk processing of notifications will speed things up even more. The route is planned by the carriers.

Leave the route planning to the carriers. They will get more notifications for pricing, determine the optimal route and you just pick the best deal.

You don't know where the carriers have the vehicles. Send them a group of announcements and let them decide on the route them. You can then choose the best combination from the offers. Ringil will highlight it for you straight away.

Perfect visibility thanks to labels

The labels make it easy to find your way around the reservations. You create them yourself and share them within your company.

You define the label by colour and text. The use is flexible. Labels speed up and simplify navigate the jungle of notifications. You can create and change them very easily. The logic of their use is on you.

You will find exactly what you are looking for.

Smart filtering with help will help you.

Just know the incomplete name of the location, the name of the person responsible or the time range and you will find the following in Ringil any announcement. You can send the list to your colleagues. Just copy the URL.

Everyone can find the information for themselves. Quickly and reliably.

Purchasers, production workers or logistics clerks - everyone keeps an eye on the flow of goods from their own angle point of view. In Ringil they will find a complete overview of information including details. No more unnecessary calls and questions.

Documents in one place and available at any time.

Look at the announcements from a distance. For example, link the information from the alerts to the price of the shipments and you will see room for optimization.

Anything you need clarification on? Write to the supplier directly in Ringil.

Most of it will be uploaded by the supplier. One at a time. Ringil will inform you of the new document by email.

Anything you need clarification on? Write to the supplier directly in Ringil.

You write messages directly in the system - straight from your user account. The supplier gets a notification email. He can reply in Ringil or by email. Ringil processes the message immediately and displays it clearly in one thread of the conversation.

More effective inbound today

In the base you have

  • Free access to all your suppliers
  • Unlimited number of announcements
  • Integrated internal chat with suppliers
  • Management with 24/7 accessibility from anywhere, even from your mobile phone.

You can extend the module with

  • Bulk carrier enquiries
  • Contractual arrangements with carriers

For a monthly fee from

350 EUR

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to get all the modules?

What languages does Ringil work in?

How does Ringil cover the logistics process?

Is there any chat in the system for quick communication?

How long does it take to implement?

87 %

So many customers have told us, "Ringil helps me a lot in my daily work."

They now need 20% of their previous capacity to service the logistics process.

Run Your Logistics Operations Fully Online

Routine to the software


Most actions can be done with a single click - whether it's sending an inquiry to dozens of carriers, urging missing information or making changes to the route or content of a shipment. Leave the often repetitive routine tasks to automation.



Ringil simply connects to your ERP systems and gives access to all your employees and partners - carriers and suppliers. You get a single platform for user communication and data management.



Track your KPIs online with basic reporting or get a specific view tailored to your exact needs. You get high-quality and precisely targeted reporting.

Game changer


You rely on a strong digital partner. Ringil will fully replace the existing system pencil-paper-excel spreadsheet. It records clearly whatever you need, both on your side and on the partners. Changes are visible immediately.

Worry-free infrastructure


You're not dealing with technology. We run Ringil on Google's cloud infrastructure. That makes it reliable and available anytime. And you don't have to install anything.

Logistics S to XL


A different size fits everyone. That's why the Ringil platform is modular and you can choose from modules. You use only what you need. The system is as simple and clear as possible. Important dials or fields we can can be adapted to your needs.